
Ardha Uttanasana (Standing Half Forward Bend Pose)

Ardha Uttanasana also commonly known as "Flat back pose", "Half Standing Forward Fold" or "Half Forward Bend" prepares the body for Uttanasana and Adho Mukha Svanasana because stretches, lengthens and rejuvenates the hamstrings, calves, spine and upper torso and therefore also improving our posture. This asana is often done in Sun salutations, as a transition between Uttanasana and Chaturanga Dandasana. Newbies on Yoga that find changeling to bend from the pelvis should practice this asana before attempting full Uttanasana, in order to prevent bending instead from the lumbar region, an unsafe action that could create compression on the vertebras. This pose will lengthen and strengthen our body in time and with patience and practice, is going to allow us to go deeper in our practice. Stand in Tadasana with the feet parallel - big toes touching together and heels slightly apart. Root down through all four corners of the feet. In...

Learn to work the legs, pelvis and trunk on Uttanasana

In Uttanasana - Standing Forward Fold or Forward Bend, while we are intensely forward stretching the upper body and the hamstrings muscles, we are also calming the mind (the head is hanging below the heart allowing fresh oxygen-blood to flow to our brain) and rejuvenating the body. Uttanasana is also an essential element of Sun Salutations and helps us to connect the breath and other asanas and also prepares the body for deeper forward bends. So in order to master this pose, specially challenging when we have tight hamstrings, there are several variations we can do in order to work and improve the flexibility in the legs and pelvis. Fold the chair and lean the backcrest against the front groins, making sure both groins rest evenly on the chair. You can adjust the height by moving the chair into the desire angle. Keep the feet hip distance apart or the distance of the legs of the chair. Inhale. On exhale and hinging from the hips, bend forward, holding th...

Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)

Source: "Yoga anatomy" written by    Leslie Kaminoff " Uttanasana reminds me of a waterfall, the legs being the cliffs from which the trunk is flowing down like water – make the legs strong and tall and the trunk soft and flowing! " from Eyal Shifroni in " Props for yoga - Volume 1: Standing asanas " This healing, powerful and rejuvenating asana that soothes the mind, work and stretches the hamstrings, gastrocnemius, piriformis muscles, spinal muscles, and so many others muscles and connective tissues. Stand in Tadasana (Mountain Pose). On inhale circle the arms up in Urdhva Hastasana, extending from the low belly up through the fingertips.  Maintaining the length, on exhale and hinging from the hips, bend forward in order to have the trunk folding over the legs and resting the palms on the floor by the sides of the feet. If you need to bend the knees, maintaining the contact of the belly with ...

Activating the arms in Urdhva Hastasana

The work we have to do with the body in Urdhva Hastasana is almost the same as in Tadasana, so the previous posts were I demonstrate exercises and variations for the feet, legs, pelvis and chest we can also apply to this asana. I am going to add other variations to help you understand the work and engagement of the arms and the correct alignment of the spine . As I previously said, if you have any cardiac condition or high blood pressure don't raise the arms up over than 30 seconds . Stand up with the feet parallel. Big toes joining together and hells slightly apart. Ground down through the four corners of each foot. Place a strap around the mid-forearms or on the elbows and tighten it to shoulder width (see how to find the shoulder distance on the post " Learn how to work the arms and chest in Tadasana "), and then place a block between the hands. Lift the shinbones and the kneecaps up, engaging the quadriceps/thighs muscles and drawing the ...