Ardha Uttanasana (Standing Half Forward Bend Pose)
Ardha Uttanasana also commonly known as "Flat back pose", "Half Standing Forward Fold" or "Half Forward Bend" prepares the body for Uttanasana and Adho Mukha Svanasana because stretches, lengthens and rejuvenates the hamstrings, calves, spine and upper torso and therefore also improving our posture. This asana is often done in Sun salutations, as a transition between Uttanasana and Chaturanga Dandasana. Newbies on Yoga that find changeling to bend from the pelvis should practice this asana before attempting full Uttanasana, in order to prevent bending instead from the lumbar region, an unsafe action that could create compression on the vertebras. This pose will lengthen and strengthen our body in time and with patience and practice, is going to allow us to go deeper in our practice. Stand in Tadasana with the feet parallel - big toes touching together and heels slightly apart. Root down through all four corners of the feet. In...