Tadasana or Samasthiti (Mountain Pose)

Source: "Yoga anatomy" written by  Leslie Kaminoff

Tadasana, also called Samasthiti, is an asana that apparently seems so easy but really is full of nuances and subtleties, working all the body, balance and concentration, being this the reason why all the newbies in yoga, should practice this pose.
This pose creates balance, height and extension, being, for this reason, a setting foundation for all standing poses and an important tool that allow us to progress into our practice.

  1. Stand up with the feet parallel (draw an imaginary line from the centre of the ankle through the second toe of each foot making those lines parallel with each other). 
  2. Big toes joining together and hells slightly apart (centre of inner ankles touching).
  3. Lift the soles of the feet and stretch them forward, then put them down.
  4. Raise the heels, extend them back from the centre of the arches and put them down.
  5. Lift all toes (little toes included), stretch them forward and let them rest on the mat.
  1. Lift the shinbones.
  2. Lift the kneecaps up, engaging the quadriceps/thighs muscles and drawing the inner and outer knees back.
  3. Open and stretch the back of the knees (without straining them).

Lower and upper trunk
  1. Lift the hips and compress them. 
  2. Tuck the tailbone/coccyx under (like you want to move the pubic bone towards the navel), lengthening the spine and the trunk.
  3. Engage the lower abdomen by pressing the navel against the spine.
  4. Lift the diaphragm and rib cage up, but don't let the rib cage and torso come out.
  5. Raise the collarbones and open the chest (this action is achieved if you lift the shoulders up and let them drop, keeping the shoulder blades together).
  6. Relax the shoulders and keep them away from the ears.

  1. Turn the upper arms out and stretch the arms down, palms facing forward or facing the thighs.

  1. Keep the neck in a neutral position (in line with the spine), and chin parallel to the ground. 
  2. Head straight in line with the spine.
  3. Relax the face and look ahead keeping the eyes soft.
  4.  Stay in this pose for 20 to 40 seconds, breathing evenly.


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