Activating the arms in Urdhva Hastasana
The work we have to do with the body in Urdhva Hastasana is almost the same as in Tadasana, so the previous posts were I demonstrate exercises and variations for the feet, legs, pelvis and chest we can also apply to this asana. I am going to add other variations to help you understand the work and engagement of the arms and the correct alignment of the spine . As I previously said, if you have any cardiac condition or high blood pressure don't raise the arms up over than 30 seconds . Stand up with the feet parallel. Big toes joining together and hells slightly apart. Ground down through the four corners of each foot. Place a strap around the mid-forearms or on the elbows and tighten it to shoulder width (see how to find the shoulder distance on the post " Learn how to work the arms and chest in Tadasana "), and then place a block between the hands. Lift the shinbones and the kneecaps up, engaging the quadriceps/thighs muscles and drawing the ...